Monday, February 16, 2009

The Settlers of Catan

As you may remember, I played a game called The Settlers of Catan with some friends back when my blog was just a few months old. Last year, Rie and I bought the game and started playing again. The game is okay for two people, but a lot more fun with four. Rie and I had some co-workers over for a game in Virginia, but after the first one, Amy admitted she only accepted the invitation for game playing because it included dinner. After dinner, she was no longer interested in playing the game.

Last week, we invited two American English teachers from the local university over for some fun. I think we played about four games or five games. We even played one game right through dinner. It was great.

Saturday, Rie invited a Korean couple over for lunch and an afternoon of games. It was great, even if the man was surprised that a 37-year old man could be interested in playing board games.

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