Sunday, January 25, 2009

Uncle Jim and his Happy Bunny Dance

I like going to movies here. The prices are pretty cheap and you can reserve your seats. When we were living in the hotels last November, we went to a few movies. I impressed myself last week when I bought our tickets from a vending machine. I got tickets for the right movie, at the right time, reserved our seats, and used my bank card to get a discount and to pay for the tickets. The machine has no English and I can barely read Korean and don't know what it says anyway.

At some of the movie theaters, the attendants wait near the exits after the show. As you file past on the way out, they say something to you and do a little bow. Along with the bow, they raise their arms and move them in a few little circles before pointing towards the exit. It reminds me very much of Uncle Jim and his Happy Bunny Dance, but without the goofy grin.

By the way, Uncle Jim always feels extra special when he gets a mention in my blog.

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