Sunday, December 21, 2008

No knife and fork for me

Here in Korea, it is pretty rare to see a knife or a fork at the table. When eating rice or soup, they use a spoon. When eating the side dishes or the noodles in a soup, they use chopsticks. On many occasions, food is brought to the table that is too big to fit in your mouth or should be shared. What to do? Instead of everyone having their own knife, every one shares one pair of scissors. It is fun chopping things up at the table with scissors.

One popular kind of Korean dining is the Korean BBQ. The hot coals or fire is in the center of the table and you get long strips of thin meat to cook. Since the meat is too long to eat, you get to slice away at it with the scissors.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude thats sick! Its your sister...i like this