Saturday, December 6, 2008

A man's home is his castle

Rie and I are still getting settled in. We don't have our washing machine hooked up yet and we are still using the kimchi fridge instead of the huge American refrigerator. We have lots of half-unpacked things in two of the bedrooms and the queen sized bed in the third.

The nicest room in the apartment is the living room. The fake-wood floor looks nice and so does all of the wooden furniture and fixtures. The ondol makes the room nice and comfortable as well.

We don't sleep well on a regular bed and prefer the thin futon on the floor. So, we have pretty much shut off the three bedrooms and laid out our futon on the living room. We live in the living room and kitchen. The bedrooms are just used for storage at this point.

Our living situation reminds me of those old noble families in England. Over the centuries, as their fortunes dwindled, they shut off various wings of their family estates and lived in smaller and smaller portions of their castles.

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