Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Symptoms of pregnancy

I read some books. They say burping and farting are kinds of symptoms of pregnancy. I wonder how many husbands try to do them to understand their wives. My husband does, often.

According to a book The Pregnancy Bible, "Feelings of nausea and vomiting can occur at any time throughout the day, so the term "morning sickness" is somewhat of a misnomer." Actually I had morning sickness all day for a few months. Then my sweet husband asked "Are you pretending you're pregnant?" Nice!

He asked me why Japanese people have "morning" sickness all day, not only in the morning. I told him English speakers call it "morning"sickness, but we don't say so. We don't have any words means the time in the word.

Many women are exhausted in the first trimester, this is completely normal. So was I. I had been very tired and sleepy. I didn't do much at home.
He asked me what I did when he came home everyday. I said I rested all day. It was the symptoms of the first trimester, so I stayed in bed. He said that is my normal life. It's a little bit true. Even though he makes fun of me, he helps me a lot. He does house work after his work. He is a wonderful husband.

I like that Avram comes to see my doctor every time and studies about pregnancy every week. I know he's smart, but sometimes can't make sense why he thought so.
For example, according to the bible, in week 13, a baby's neck is fully formed and can support head movements. Her eyes are moving into position on the front of her head, and her ears move to their normal position. Avram thought the baby's ears and eyes are behind their head like aliens and they are moving to the normal positions. Avram, Avram.

We went walking after dinner yesterday. I go out more than last two months now. I supported the bottom of my belly. It's not big at all. You still can't tell I'm pregnant, but I feel my belly is different and supporting it helps to walk. Then Avram said I do it because I can show I'm pregnant to others. I said I don't mean that. It makes me feel comfortable to walk. Then he said he has more stuff (food baby) in his belly and they are heavier than my baby, but he doesn't need to support his belly. Sigh.

We both study about pregnancy. I'm happy Avram does it, otherwise he would takes our baby to outdoor for fun even he/she has just been born. I'm glad he reads the bible even if he tells me disgusting things such as babies eats their hair and drinks urine in the womb.

I like that Avram looks happy every time we visit doctor and see ultrasounds together. He could be a good and interesting father:)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so thrilled for you guys! Thanks for sharing the details... I can't wait to meet Baby Fox. Congratulations! He (or she) is going to be the hit of the next family party.
