Monday, November 29, 2010

Airi speaks.

Airi loves Avram. She calls him Appa which means Daddy in Korean and Avram answers her.
"Appa." "Airi." "Appa." "Airi." "Appa." ... . They're like a boyfriend and girlfriend. Unfortunately Airi also calls me Appa, but Avram answers for me. We hope that she'll learn the difference eventually.

Airi speak some words these days such as banana, mannma (means food), attsui (hot), oishii (tastes good), and pooh (of course, which is Winnie the Pooh).
She points to what she wants now. For example she likes to turn on/off switches, so she points to them. She also likes tissues to clean her table, so she points to them too.
When I say "hamigaki (brush your teeth), then she shows the gesture and she does it with her toothbrush and wipes.
I ask her if she pooped. Then she pats her tummy. It means time to change her diaper.
The best things she does are giving a hug and blowing a kiss. It's very sweet. It attracts people more and melts them.
She learns many things everyday. It's very interesting to see and talk with her.

She loves outside and people, so I will take her out when she wakes up from her nap.

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