Our baby is less than 32 weeks old, but as you can see from the picture below, her head is already well over 34 weeks old. 34 weeks and 5 days according to the notations at the bottom left. Dr. Young stressed several times that her head is not too big, it is just round, so that the normal measurements of cranial diameter are not as accurate as with a pointy headed baby. Most of Rie's family have big heads, so Rie had to kick me to stop me from laughing in the doctor's office.
We did not get any good pictures of the nose, but on the video you can tell that her nose seems to represent her Jewish heritage well.
As for overall body weight and length, Mameko is perfectly normal in the Asian baby measurement system, and a little small for a European baby. Since she is half American, half Japanese, and going to be born in Korea, I figure she is two-thirds Asian, so no worries there.

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