My younger brother, Takaaki has a daughter and a son. Her name is Yuki, 6 years old. His name is Konan, 5 years old. They love Avram.
They are comfortable to talk to foreign people in English more than other Japanese children. Actually Konan thinks he speaks English, but no one understands him. He loves to talk to Avram on the phone in English he makes up. He keeps saying, "" Avram tells his stories in English. During their conversation, they don't listen to each other. They both are speaking. I can't translate for the two of them. After they talk, it's funny - both of them are satisfied. Yuki seems like she understands a little bit. She answers Avram, yes or no.
They're interested in pictures we send. One time I sent the picture from Las Vegas. Avram likes Star Trek, so we went to the cafe and took pictures. Now Yuki and Konan believe there are aliens in the U.S., so they shouldn't go there. Yes, it's true many aliens live in the country, but it's different ones.
Kids are cute and very interesting to watch.
A few years ago, Yuki got some chocolate chip cookies from Avram's mother. She liked them very much, especially the chocolate chips. She wanted to eat only chocolate chips and found a good excuse not to eat the cookie dough. She said, "I'm sharing my cookies with ants." Then she gave the cookie crumbs to ants in the living room and ate the chocolate chips.
Konan likes to take a bath with Avram. We went to a public bath together last December. Avram and Konan went to the men's side. Asako, Yuki and I went to the women's side. Before they went into their side, Asako and I told Konan he should listen to Avram. Konan said, "Yes!" When Avram and Konan came out after the bath, Avram looked very tired and Konan looked very happy. Konan enjoyed standing on the chair, splashing, and speaking loud. He didn't listen to Avram at all. Poor Avram. We Japanese learn the manner and etiquette for bathing at home. We follow them in public baths too, so kids learn how to be nice to other people.
Avram understands Konan. He knows how much fun playing is wherever he goes and whatever he does. I hope Avram will be a good father, he not only plays with kids but also shows good things.
Yuki knows I make some accessories with beads. She says, "Sell them and make money. Then buy good food to eat. Also come back to see us." She thinks we don't have enough money. But she thinks we're very rich when we stay at a hotel for Avram's business trips. Then she often asks me, "Are you rich?" I say yes. She is relieved. Thanks to his job.
I miss them very much, so I should sell my accessories to make money and buy tickets soon.
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