Sunday, February 22, 2009

DVD Bang

I have mentioned before that the Korean word "Bang" means room. We have used computers in a PC Bang and slept on the heated floor of a Jjim Jil Bang. Today, was chilly and rainy, so we went to a DVD Bang. 

In the DVD Bang, you can choose a movie to watch and then go into your own private room to watch it. The room had a good sound system and a big projector video screen. The couches were comfortable. Next to the couch, I saw a control that said "Sound." I pushed some buttons on it, but it turned out to be a sonic massager deep in the couch. The bass massage on my back reminded me of riding around in my friends cool cars in high school when they took out the back seat to make room for their giant speakers. 

The room only cost about $7. It was cheaper and more enjoyable than the movie theater. It was more like watching a movie in your own comfortable living room, if you had a big TV.  And you don't have to clean up afterwards.

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