I rode my bike today for the first time. It was not as bad as I feared. The truck fumes were a bit much, but the traffic did not feel too dangerous. Of course, I took all of the precautions I could. I added a rear-view mirror to my helmet, a highly-reflective vest to my body, a second flashing white light in front and a second flashing red light in back. I also added the world's loudest bicycle horn. It is 115 decibels. That is very loud. I did not get to use it today, but I am looking forward to the day that I can make a truck driver jump out of his skin.
When riding in traffic, I subscribe to the theory that car drivers usually watch the road. They don't watch the sidewalk. They don't watch the edge of the road. They watch where they are going, for the most part. For this reason, I try to be highly visible and right in front of them. I take up most of the lane and make them pass me slowly. Also, if one car is stuck behind me, then no other cars are going to be zooming past me.
The ride to work took under 20 minutes. It was a nice way to start the day.
When I get to work, I have to show my ID to the security guard at the front gate. Today, he told me that my vehicle is not registered with the base. I had to ride to the other base in Pusan and register my bicycle. It was only 15 minutes away. Now my bike has a big red registration sticker on it.
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